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Linde & Baoli Catalog
Learn about the wide selection of forklifts under the Linde & Baoli brands, including automated trucks.
Linde1120SeriesLindeLinde - 1102 Series: ECR30-40 Electric Pallet Trucks
LindeSeries1131LindeLinde - 1131 Series: MT12 Electric Pallet Trucks
LindeSeries1133LindeLinde - 1133 Series: MT15 Electric Pallet Trucks
LindeSeries1133-03-1LindeLinde - 1133-03 Series: MT18 Electric Pallet Trucks
LindeSeries1169LindeLinde - 1133-03 Series: MT18 Electric Pallet Trucks
Linde1191TuggerLindeLinde - 1191 Series: P60, P80, WO8 Tuggers / Tow Tractors
1202 LindeLindeLinde - 1202 Series: H20 - H35 IC Pneumatic Tire Trucks
Linde1204_seriesLindeLinde - 1204 Series: H35 - H50 IC Pneumatic Tire Trucks
Linde1279seriesLindeLinde - 1279 Series: E60 - E80/900 Electric Forklifts
kmaticLindeLinde - K-Matic Series: Automated Very Narrow Aisle Truck
rmaticLindeLinde - R-Matic
Linde1293LindeLinde - 1293 Series E35 -E50
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Wolter Helps PC Lumber Plug into Operational Savings with Linde Electric Forklifts
Learn how Wolter helped a busy lumber yard running a fleet of diesel and propane forklifts outdoors to switch to Linde IP67 rated electric forklifts. These forklifts can handle indoor and outdoor transportation and cold weather conditions.