Your Trusted Source for Material Handling Equipment Leasing
Wolter has been a reliable and trusted resource for leasing forklifts and material handling equipment for decades. From small walkies to heavy-duty forklifts, to full-sized railcar movers, you can find an assortment of material handling equipment at your disposable for costs and timeframes that best meet your custom needs.
Finance Lease for Material Handling Equipment
For the customer who wants immediate ownership of the material handling equipment, but wants to pay for the equipment over an extended period of time.
Operating Lease
For the customer who wants the lowest monthly payment and intends to return the material handling equipment at lease-end.
Delayed Billing
For the customer who wants to own material handling equipment but cannot allocate capital expenditures in the next six to twelve months.
Short Term Rental
For the customer who has short-term material handling needs.