Renting a railcar mover is a great way to tackle your short and long-term needs. Wolter provides reliable railcar mover rentals and many years of experience supporting businesses and organizations like yours in the industry.

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Thumbnail for Railcar Movers
Thumbnail for Railcar Movers


Do you offer emergency railcar mover rentals?

When your railcar mover is out of service, a rail mover rental can serve as a temporary fix until your equipment is back up and running or has been replaced. If you're in need of an emergency railcar mover rental, fill out the form below or contact us to get in touch with a Wolter rental expert.
Do you offer long-term railcar mover rentals?

When purchasing a new or reconditioned railcar mover isn’t an option, or you only need a railcar mover at specific times throughout the year, a long-term railcar mover rental may be the best option for your operation. If you're in need of long-term rental, fill out the form below or contact us to get in touch with a Wolter rental expert.
Do you offer support and service on railcar mover rentals?

When renting a railcar mover from Wolter, short or long-term, you can expect optimal service and support for your rental equipment from highly trained and experience railcar mover repair technicians. To learn more about our railcar mover service offerings or to schedule a service, please visit the Railcar Mover Service page.


Railcar mover rental service area includes Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio & Georgia.

Not sure what kind of railcar mover you need? Our rental experts are here to help. Visit our contact page to get in touch.

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