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How Often Should You Replace Forklift Tires?

Forklifts are a necessary asset to a company’s business to move their products from the manufacturing process, through the finished goods, and to the shipping dock to get their products delivered to their customers. With that in mind, you want to ensure that your forklifts are operating always at peak performance so you do not jeopardize getting your products out to your customers. One part of the forklift that customers tend to ignore is tire replacement. As the tires wear down, the forklift still will operate and get the job done. Therefore managers do not always schedule forklift tire replacement like they would an oil change; not changing the oil could cause an engine to malfunction, so that form of preventative maintenance is looked at but as long as the truck runs, tires can easily become an afterthought.

If tires are not replaced when needed, your forklift could experience large repair costs like steer axle and mast repair. If forklift tires are too worn down the overall clearance of the forklift will go closer to the ground. This can cause major damage to the bottom of the mast hitting the surface and premature wear on the steer axle.

You should replace your forklift tires when the tire wears to the point it wears past the size markings on the side of the tire. Letting it go further will increase the likelihood of larger repairs and replacing on a timely basis will give your entire forklift investment a boost and the equipment will last much longer.

Contact Us today to request a quote or schedule a visit from our mobile tire press service!